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Blue is lost!

Lost Date November 16th, 9:16am
Wearing collar? Yes
Wearing DocuPet tag? No
Last seen at 3639 E Harbor Blvd #304, Ventura, CA 93001, USA
She was stolen by a woman named Sabrina Tackett, this woman may have had an unauthorized surgery performed on her. Due to her being hit by a car.


pet found at marker location on map


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Breed Malamute, German Shepard
Species Dog

Basic Information

Color Black, Tan
Gender Female
Spayed/Neutered No
Pet Date of Birth 05/13/2017
Identifying Markings Blue has ice blue eyes that you just can't miss. She has a beauty mark on her left cheek
Coat Her coat is very thick and wavy towards her tail. She has shiny soft fur
Pet Biography I have had Blue since she was 3 months old. She has done holistic meds since coming to live with her human dad and I. Blue recently lost her dad(last year) passing away from heart failure. She has been registered and licensed with the Camarillo animal shelter, and is also a service and ESA dog. She loves to be around her humans and love to be center of attention. She has so much character and will talk back to you. She loves being outside and sunbathing.

Owner Information

Owner Name Marlene West
Cell Phone Number (805) 416-9777
Home Address 3639 Harbor Blvd
Ventura CA 93001

Pet Care Information

Friendly with People Yes
Friendly with Dogs Yes
Friendly with Cats Yes
Primarily Outdoors Yes
Type of Food Gravy train and Purina
Feeding Schedule and Amount Once in the morning and then once in the evening
Permissible Foods She will eat about anything

Medical Information

Vaccines Blue does holistic meds and is up to date on her vaccines
Veterinarian All Vet Care Animal Hospital and Moblie Vet